Always go for the one which makes the best story
Ready or not, here I come Loughborough University. I have officially started my next adventure – to get a degree in Sports Psychology.
Yep, I’ve gone back to school as a full-time student (with a few little side-hustles 😊) and the last week of September was “Freshers Week” – a chance for first year newbies to move into their accommodation and get to know the place.
I’m not staying on campus as I live close enough by to be able to commute* (more on this little gem of an opportunity to come 😊), and whilst I didn’t have to turn up on Monday to move in, I thought it would be a good idea to go along and get to know the place … it took me 3 days of prepping myself to go.
I was nervous and my nerves were brought on for many reasons. A lot of these I’ll be bringing up in blogs to come, but the one I want to focus on here is the fear of making the wrong choice.
Since receiving my uni offer, I’ve been grappling over whether I should go down this path or not.
Thankfully, on the day I did go, I met Dave Cornthwaite – he is someone I have watched from afar for a very long time and if you don’t know who he is, click here to check his website out.
When I first learned of Dave (many years ago), I wrote my own list of different kinds of human powered adventures that I’d like to do one day in my journaling sessions.
It truly was a thrill to meet him, although I had been invited to another function a couple years back – the launch of SoulKind magazine - Dave had been featured in the magazine and I had been featured in their online mag. I was too shy to talk to Dave at that first outing.
However, yesterday I was doing BRAVE stuff! I bumbled my way through an introduction telling him of our brief interconnected history – which was basically me watching him and lurking around him.
It sounds quite stalkerish doesn’t it, but that’s kinda how social media works. People watch and get to know the person on the screen even though they don’t know the person on the screen unless they know the person on the screen.
Turns out Dave did know of me, and had seen that I had run across Australia (via his Yes Tribe) and therefore, we were not complete strangers.
After his talk, we chatted and I mentioned my choice dilemma. Dave reminded me of the phrase he uses on his website “if you’re ever caught between two decisions always go for the one which makes the best story”.
For the past 6 years I’ve been intensively and intentionally letting my imagination run wild and following my “Think Big, The Do” mantra, I’ve gone on some extraordinary adventures that have given me some incredible stories – some of which I’ve written about, others still in my brain or on notepads, pieces of paper, or on one-drive taking up mega data space.
If I go to uni will I ever write these books, make the films, go on adventures, make good stories for the next 3 years.
I sat with that thought...
When I sit with thoughts, I think about what I’d say to my boy if he asked my advice.
Whatever choice you make, you will be having an experience, and you get to choose to write the story and you can make it the best story (ever)!
I figured this would be good mum advice and so I’m rolling with it.
I’m stepping out of my comfort zone of being extremely uncomfortable until that becomes my ordinary existence for a period of time (my running adventures), and jumping into this uncomfortable zone where I’ll be uncomfortable until it becomes my ordinary existence for a period of time (uni life).
Ha, ha … seems this is what I do!
So here goes, I’m continuing my work in progress of becoming an adventuring psychologist and motivator of dreaming big, taking action and achieving extraordinary goals.
Books will still be written, films will still be made and commuting adventures* as well as school holiday running adventures are being planned.